The Mission of the International Institute for Astronautical Science is to provide a high-value, immersive education within culturally-diverse operational environments that enable professional citizen-science research promoting multi-national space exploration, science literacy, and the equitable and peaceful uses of outer space. We embrace three core values:
Core Values
1. Democratizing Science
IIAS is a citizen-science organization that relies on private participation and funding in addition to traditional public funding sources to conduct and communicate science. IIAS strives to provide high-value, immersive educational services that enable peer-reviewed publishable science while communicating science to a global audience. The majority of IIAS research is privately funded through sponsorships and foundations.
2. International Stewardship
Understanding our shared global environment and laying seeds to be multi-planetary species are highly international objectives and IIAS embraces its diversity as an international organization. As of 2022, IIAS has students originating from 53 different nations.
3. Empowering All Communities
We believe that global issues demand a global response. We encourage and embrace everyone to participate in the process of conducting, publishing, and communicating science. IIAS sponsors outreach programs serving under-represented minorities in science including: the PoSSUM 13, Out Astronaut, and Space for all Nations.