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EVA 104 provides an introduction to EVA space suit test and evaluation methods. Students learn fundamentals of EVA space suit operations and then use the tools and procedures developed in the OTTER EVA 102 or EVA 103 courses. IIAS’s EVA space suit will be tested and validated in a gravity-offset laboratory environment that can simulate microgravity, lunar, or martian gravity environments. Prerequisites: EVA 101 and (EVA 102 or EVA 103)


EVA 104 extends upon the introductory life support system curriculum presented in EVA 101 to include specific EVA space suit systems and test and validation procedures. The course covers a historical analysis of specific US and Russian EVA space suit development programs, EVA space suit systems, laboratory test protocols, terminology and etiquette, EVA space suit test development, and design drivers of future EVA space suit systems. Students will be responsible to develop testing procedures based on tools and procedures developed in EVA 102 (Operational Space Medicine), EVA 103 (Planetary Field Geology), or for microgravity operations.


U.S. Spacesuits, Kenneth Thomas and Harold McMann, Springer, 2nd ed. (2012)

Russian Spacesuits, Issac Abramov et al., Springer, (2003)


Week 1. EVA space suit introduction

Week 2. Historical analysis of Russian EVA Space Suits

Week 3. Historical analysis of US EVA Space Suits

Week 4. EVA Space Suit Systems: LCG system, chest control board, communications, and lighting.

Week 5. EVA Space Suit Systems: diagnostics and repair, biomonitoring systems, suit maintenance

Week 6: MCC Operations, etiquette and terminology, test roles and responsibilities

Week 7: EVA Testing Procedure Development, Airlocks and Airlock Procedures

Week 8: Future of EVA space suit development

Week 9: Briefings of EVA test procedures


In-Person EVA Space Suit Evaluation Campaign:

Day 1: EVA space suit donning, Assisting donning of EVA space suits. Chest control board operations, cooling, communication and lighting system operations. Introduction to gravity offset systems (Lunar, Martian, and microgravity operations).

Day 2-4: Surface EVA Evaluation, lunar and Martian gravity (scooper, drill, hammer, soil sampler, spectrometer, remote rover operations). Microgravity operations (drill and ‘Task Board 3’ panel removal and maintenance, hatch operations, camera mounting and operation, translation using handrails and carabiners). MCC operations, medical monitoring, and gravity offset system operations. Comparative evaluation of finger, hand, and upper body strength in unsuited, suited and unpressurized, and suited and pressurized environments.


Course Start: First week of February

Duration: 10 weeks

Prerequisites: AST 101, EVA 102 OR EVA 103, EVA 101 (or equivalent)

2024 International Institute for Astronautical Sciences. All Rights Reserved


2022 Course Schedule


27mar(mar 27)8:00 am31(mar 31)5:00 pmAST 101: Fundamentals of Astronautics Class 2501

31mar(mar 31)8:00 am04apr(apr 4)5:00 pmAST 101: Advanced PoSSUM Academy - Red Sprite Group (Spring 2025)


03apr(apr 3)8:00 am07(apr 7)5:00 pmAST 101: Fundamentals of Astronautics Class 2502


05jun(jun 5)8:00 am08(jun 8)3:00 pmEVA 103 Planetary Field Geology Field Campaign (2025)Field campaign in planetary field geology including EVA tool evaluation. (Online classes start Summer Semester)


11aug(aug 11)8:00 am15(aug 15)5:00 pmFeaturedAST 102 Microgravity Research Campaign (2025)Microgravity Research Campaign supporting the IIAS AST 102 Program (Online class start in May)


17oct(oct 17)8:00 am21(oct 21)5:00 pmFeaturedOPS 102 Spacecraft Egress and Post-Landing Operations On-Site (2025)Spacecraft egress, space suit ejection, and sea survial training to complement OPS 102 post-landing human space flight instruction.

22oct(oct 22)8:00 am25(oct 25)1:00 pmEVA 105 Fundamentals of Underwater EVA Operations Campaign (2025)On-Site compliment to EVA 105 using analog training space suits and IIAS NBL facility

30oct(oct 30)8:00 am03nov(nov 3)5:00 pmAST 101: Fundamentals of Astronautics Class 2503

© 2024 International Institute for Astronautical Sciences, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.