Objectives: Neutral buoyancy in water is used by space agencies around the word for EVA training, spacesuit evaluation, development of human-robotic partnership protocols and many other simulations. EVA 106 (Engineering for Underwater Environments) is a follow-up course to EVA 105 (Fundamentals of Underwater Analog EVA). It continues with the topic of underwater environment, but specializes in development of tools, techniques, equipment and scientific experiments for this extreme space analog. This course orients in engineering and protocol development. Students will hear many case studies and will be responsible to develop on their own improved equipment and testing protocols based on tools and procedures used in EVA 105.
Goals: Introduce students to specificity of developing tools, protocols and experiments for underwater environment.
1. Introduction to underwater environment
2. Achieving neutral buoyancy (scuba diving physics)
3. Influence of water on materials
4. Design for underwater: X-Deep case study
5. Testing tools (performance, ergonomy)
6. Case study: ESA’s Nearby Equipment Support Trolley (NEST)
7. Case study: EVA 105 quest airlock
8. Scientific experiments in underwater environment
9. Case study: Space Mobile Medical Module
10. Student projects
Course Start: Fall Semester
Duration: 10 weeks
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