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From early age i am interested in science and technology subjects. My interest are related to spaceflight dynamics and exploration in all of it forms. I have a post diploma in aeronatical maintenance technician and my experience are mostly related to helicopter both turbine and piston engine. I frequented aerospace undergraduate study in Padua university in Italy ( Galileo alma mater), and i continue my formation following astrodynamics on line courses. I work as process engineer and technician in the R&D department of a biomedical italian company working with 3D printer (electron beam melting and selective laser sintering mostly) with titanium64 material. In my personal life i also became a speleologist involved in real exploration in italy and i am a trainer in such activity. I was also in alpine and cave rescue team for the italian alpine and cave rescue organization. In that period i was certified to flight in civilian an military helicopter as part of the rescue crew.

Academic Background

Post diploma certification as techinician for aeronaitical maintenance.

Frequented aerospace engineering in Padua University

Professional courses regarding 3D printing process with several technology

Professional Interests

My interest is in spaceflight dynamics and orbital operation.

In general i search inspiring and challenging professional envirorment involved in advance technological sector


Open University Student

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