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Arjun Vijaykumar




Arjun is a self proclaimed “curious being” who has been participating in scientific projects and research, thinking new ideas and imagining more about the “yet non-existent”.

Arjun worked in a project of Indian Institute of Science(IISc) – National Design Innovation Network(NDIN) and was part of the national winning team that designed a baby-pram for street vendors  which was highly cost effective and vendor friendly.

During high school, Arjun worked on sewage purification and filtration and along with his guide and teammates, came up  with an innovative and eco-friendly solution to effectively cleanse the surfactants (especially detergents), excessive salt groups and hazardous metal contaminants. This project enabled him to win the laurel of being the silver medalists at Science Society of India(SSI) – Indian Science & Engineering Fair(INSEF) in the national level.

During all these instances, Arjun has always been interested about the expanse of science and technology. While he says “With time and further research, my interest gained a lot about the cosmos as after all that is what everything is made of, and as I fostered my passion, I decided to work towards space science and technology while I seek more exposure in this field to make myself beneficial to  space research” to be the ignition point of his life.

Professionally Arjun is pursuing a technological degree in mechanical engineering specialized in design and advanced manufacturing in Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram. Hence, currently he is trying to make use of his education to learn more about the cosmos and  find all the more opportunities in the field of space-science.

Academic Background

Pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering with Specialization in Design and Manufacturing & Master of Technology in Advanced Manufacturing from Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing Kancheepuram

Professional Interests

Highly Interested in Astrobiology and Near Earth Objects along with human space missions.


Open University Student

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