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Carlos Salicrup


Carlos Salicrup Díaz de León, MD, MS, ATP, EMT-P, FAsMA, FRAeS

Aerospace Doctor-Pilot


Dr. Salicrup is one of the few active professional Pilot-Physicians in the world, attended simultenously medical school and flight academy as he was part time working as a ground-flight rescue/paramedic and thereafter as a professional pilot. Attended school of aerospace medicine during a partial study leave while he was flying MD-80’s for Aeromexico.

Medical Doctor Graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) School of Medicine, with a Master of Science and Aerospace Medicine degree from the NASA sponsored Wright State University School of Aerospace Medicine program, he is board certified in Aerospace Medicine, still holds an active rescue/advanced paramedic certification and is one of the youngest designated Fellows and a Member At Large of the Aerospace Medical Association (ASMA), and a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (UK)


He is the Chairman of the ASMA Aerospace Safety Committee, former ASPA (Mexican ALPA) Health and safety & social welfare Secretary, Ex-president of the International Association of Military Flight Surgeon-Pilots, the Iberoamerican Aerospace Medical Association President (term finishes May 2021); Mexican Association of Aviation and Space Medicine former President, President-elect of the Aerospcae Human Factors Association (Term finishes May 2020), a Member of: IFALPA’s Human Performance-Medical committee; AsMA’s Human Performance Committee and the Aerospace Mental Health group.

Carlos participates with the UN-ICAO Regional Medical Team, the Mental Health group and has been participating since it’s creation with the ICAO’s CAPSCA (Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and management of public health events in Civil Aviation).


Capt. Salicrup has logged over 9,000 hours, experienced in flying mainly multiple McDonnell Douglas and Boeing airframes, he flew the Boeing 787 “Dreamliner” during 5 years of his career as a Senior First Officer and since two years ago he performs as a Boeing 737 NG/MAX Captain and Flight Commander for the “Sky Team” founder, Aeromexico, where he has been flying proffesionally for the last 20 years. His experience includeslong and ultra-long range transoceanic flights, First Officer, Captain, Flight Instructor and technical Test Pilot in turboprop and jet airplanes.

His duties also includes: Research and prevention of fatigue, aircraft accident investigator, aerospace epidemiology and pilot mental healt. He is an Aerospace medicine residency and related courses Professor, delivering several Aerospace medical and science-technology related lectures around the world.


Dr. Salicrup is a designated US Federal Aviation Administration Senior Aviation Medical Examiner, a Transport Canada Civil Aviation Medical Examiner, and a US Veterans Evaluation Services Doctor. He also performs as racetrack pit lane and medical car doctor, mainly for the FIA Formula 1 and Formula e championships in Mexico City. Carlos career is strengthened through more than 25 years of experience in one of the busiest pre-hospital emergency medical care (EMS) systems in the world. With experience alongside the NASA-KSC medical team during the Space Shuttle Program at launches, landings, drills and ongoing experiments. Carlos is an Astronaut-Scientist candidate for program POSSUM (Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere) that will involve suborbital flights. He is also involved in Zero gravity flights for anesthesia research and medical devices development for deep space and interplanetary missions. He had participated in Moon and Mars analogue missions as an analogue astronaut, mission commander, medical team leader, mission doctor, and flight surgeon for Mars/deep space mission research focusing in Medical,  Human Factors, Psychology, Nutrition and preparedness for this endeavor. He is the Co-Founder of Bio-Chip, and advisor of private companies that develops space robotic spinoffs for its use in disasters and prehospital emergency medicine.


Carlos participated in the foundation of the Mexican Space Agency (AEM), was part of the group that developed the national space policies, created the aerospace medicine chapter and performed as member of the AEM Government Board, nowadays he performs as advisor for the Director General.


He enjoys his free time volunteering as a Red Cross emergency medical services Advanced Life Support ambulance doctor and as an advanced life support instructor, as an advanced-depth diver (PADI), and performing mechanics, electronics and total restoration of classic and muscle cars.

Academic Background

Professional Pilot, Boeing 737-NG/MAX Captain, Aeromexico

Medical Doctor, UNAM

Aerospace Medicine, Wright State University – NASA

Master in Science, Wright State University

Critical Care Paramedic, Mexican Red Cross

Fellow, Aerospace Medical Association

Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society

Professional Interests



Aerospace Medicine

Space Medicine


PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Candidate

Affiliations with IIAS-Sponsored Organizations

IIAS Space Medicine Working Group, Space for all Nations

IIAS Courses Completed

PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Qualification Program

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