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Divyanshu Sharma




Good Morning , Noon and Evening all of you,

My name is Divyanshu Sharma. I belong from small and beautiful town Khatima which is situated near the bank of the Holy Sharda river. I am currently pursuing Aerospace Engineering and in my final semester . I love Astrophysics , Space Science and having a keen interest in the technology which led humans in space . I didnot mention rocket here because i believe rockets is not the only things which can takes humans on the space and carry satellite or  interplanetry missions . I strongly believe the idea that there will always infinite different method to take humans , satellite into space cheaper, faster and riskfree. See I dont believe in God but respects all that gives me tremendous power to be limitless thinker in this distinctive world of era . I believe in Science and the unknown power of the universe that makes thing happen. I am just going to complete my Aerospace Bachelor degree, I can say I am not good in this field or may be i can never be , but i am thousnad percentage sure that i have got a broader mentality of observing and anslysing things scientifically and that will always going to be my attitude . 

There is a beautiful quote written by me which i believe its most beautiful and can have an idea what kind of personaility i hold. 

– ” Whatever you can Imagine in this universe is already present in it, you can never go beyond it. The only matter of fact is that Either you find it or it finds you”.  – Divyanshu Sharma

Academic Background

I have done my primary schooling i  Lions Public school khatima

Done my High school and intermediate from shiksha Bharati sr. sec. schoiol with a percentage of 93 and 75.2 respectively from CBSE board of India.

Currently Doing my B.E in Aerospace Enginnering From chandigarh University with currwnt CGPA 7.4

Professional Interests

Highly interest in Rocket science, Astronomy , Astrophysics, watching sci fi movies, animes , soccer and Youtuber 


IIAS Applied Astronautics Graduate

Affiliations with IIAS-Sponsored Organizations

IIAS Space Medicine Working Group, The PoSSUM 13, Out Astronaut Project, Space for all Nations, PoSSUM Science Outreach Team

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