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    Guadalupe Espinoza Gastelum




    Guadalupe was born in Mexico. He hold degrees in BSc. Mechatronics Engineering, BSc. Mechanical Engineering, and MSc. Sustainable Energy Engineering, and is currently studying MEng. Space Operations and MSc. Aerospace Engineering. Guadalupe works for the solar industry in New York City, and is passionate about Human Spaceflight, Energy Systems, and Space Exploration.

    Academic Background

    B.S. Mechanical Engineering; B.S. Mechatronics Engineering; M.S. Sustainable Energy Engineering; M.E Space Operations; M.S. Aerospace Engineering

    Professional Interests

    Bioastronautics, Human spaceflight, and Sustainable Energy Engineering.


    IIAS Applied Astronautics Graduate

    Affiliations with IIAS-Sponsored Organizations

    Space for all Nations

    IIAS Courses Completed

    AST 101: PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Qualification Program, BIO 101: Space Flight Physiology, BIO 104: Post-Landing Space Suit Evaluation, EDU 101: Citizen-Science Research Methods, EVA 101: Life Support Systems, EVA 102: Operational Space Medicine, EVA 103: Planetary Field Geology and EVA Tool Development, EVA 104: Gravity-Offset EVA Space Suit Evaluation, EVA 105: Fundamentals of Underwater EVA Operations, OPS 102: Spacecraft Egress and Rescue Operations, EVA 106: Engineering for Underwater Environments

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