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Jacinda Cottee




Jacinda (Jac) Cottee

Retired Airline Pilot, STEM Advocate and Mentor

I proudly made up one of the fabulous women that make up 5% of airline pilots worldwide. I am also the first woman of colour to wear the Qantas Pilot Uniform. Completed a Bachelor of Aviation as well as flying around Australia to complete my CPL(A) hours. Spent years as a Grade 3, 2, 1 instructor, with the added ability to teach multi engine, IFR, instructor ratings. At one point was also a chief flight instructor. I have been a Captain for a regional airline (turboprops) and my last position as First Officer on the B717 (Command Candidate) and Welfare Rep for the AFAP before being medically retired.

Flown dignitaries such as the papal nuncio and the presidents 500, successfully handled 2 inflight engine failures in 3 years, aeroplane struck by lightning on a few occasions, more wet seasons than I care to remember and other weird and wonderful that commercial aviation presents on a daily basis.

Honoured to be a finalist in Woman in Aviation/Aerospace Australia – Outstanding Contribution 2020/2021 and Queensland Voices – outstanding female leader recipient 2019.

After completing a semester of psychology, I realised my passion for neuroscience. I’m currently completing a Grad Dip in Human Nutrition and at a later date Neuroscience with the interest optimising human performance in the aerospace industry.

I am very grateful for my experiences and in the fortunate position to pass what I have learnt to others; as a keynote speaker, participation in Women in Aviation career days, aviation career days, speaker at schools and mentor the next generation of aviation professionals. Active member of the International Society of Women Airline Pilots.

Academic Background

Currently completing Grad Dip in Human Nutrition and have just been accepted into International Space University Masters program.

Bachelor of Aviation

ATPL (A) – 8000hrs – cyclic training, CRM, EPs etc




Former Grade 1 Instructor – Training privileges in instructor, IFR, multi engine ratings and all levels of flight training.

Professional Interests



Neuroscience/Neuro engineering

Optimise human performance

Space flight – have wanted to be an astronaut since the age 5. It wasn’t an option at that stage so I became an airline pilot. Covid allowed for reassessment, reset and refocus.


Open University Student

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