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Nicolas G. Nelson


United States of America


Nic is a medical student at Sidney Kimmel Medical College in Philadelphia, PA.  He plans to become a radiation oncologist and aerospace medicine physician who takes care of cancer patients on Earth while supporting astronaut health surveillance and radiation safety. He is a bicoastal lover of exploration and nature who hopes to wear many hats in his career, including clinician, biomedical researcher, global health volunteer, and medial educator (and ideally physician astronaut).

He received his bachelor’s at UCLA in biochemistry and English. He taught junior high science and worked as a hospital pharmacy technician before performing space medicine research at Jefferson University and the University of Pennsylvania, helping run spaceflight simulation studies. He is a current Simon Kramer extern in radiation oncology, and his main research interests lie in chronobiology, community health, oncology, and radiobiology.

His goal is to advocate planetary stewardship and encourage aspiring LGBTQ professionals in STEM. He cofounded the Aerospace Medicine Student and Resident Organization’s diversity committee, with the main objective of supporting diversity and inclusion in astronautics and aerospace medicine. While working toward his MD, he continues to engage in clinical research to fight cancer disparities, developing interventions for oncology patients affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, promoting the IIAS Out Astronaut Project, and other projects in space medicine.

Academic Background

Bachelor of Arts & Science (English, Biochemistry) – University of California, Los Angeles, 2012
Post-baccalaureate (Pre-health Specialized Studies) – University of Pennsylvania, 2018
Medical Doctorate (In Progress) – Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Expected 2023

Professional Interests

Space Medicine, Extreme Medicine, Aerospace Medicine
Radiation Oncology, Radiobiology, Radiosurgery, Radiation Physics
Chronobiology, Circadian Rhythms
Global Health, Public Health, LGBTQ Health
Positive Psychology, Wellness


Open University Student

Affiliations with IIAS-Sponsored Organizations

Out Astronaut Project

© 2025 International Institute for Astronautical Sciences, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.