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    Richard Blakeman




    Biography: Captain Richard Blakeman

    Originally from Denver, Colorado, Richard Blakeman is a professional Airline Captain (retired), Flight Systems Instructor, Aerospace Research Pilot, Scientist, Engineer, Spaceflight Researcher, and AIAA member. He holds a B.S. in Aerospace Science, turbojet systems engineering/meteorology minor; an M.S. in Aeronautical Sciences, and is currently working on a Ph.D. in Human Spaceflight Engineering/Human Factors. He has completed the FAA-approved Suborbital Scientist Astronaut Training Program at the National Aerospace Training and Research Center (NASTAR). Additionally, he has completed the Scientist Astronaut Training Program through the International Institute for Astronautical Sciences (IIAS) and has been active in human spaceflight research, development, testing, and mission operations since the organization’s founding in 2015. Captain Blakeman served as the Executive Officer and Crew Engineer of the Crew 192 Mars analog mission at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS). Captain Blakeman is a rated Command Pilot with nearly 19,000 hours of flight experience, Airline Transport Pilot, Flight Engineer, Military Aviator, and Military Parachutist. Operational experience includes: search and rescue, reconnaissance, survey, experimental research and test missions flown for numerous military and government agencies. Professional interests include: Aerospace sciences/engineering; astronaut/pilot crew operations and training; and STEAM education programs.

    Our life’s mission is to learn, experience, and make a positive contribution to the human species. The greatest tragedy is unused potential. Self-improvement and continued development are lifelong pursuits. Personal achievement is the result of hard work and dedication. When obstacles appear, don’t be afraid to think beyond the obvious. Adapt, improvise, persevere, overcome – give nothing less than your best and NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!! Per laborem et fortitude ad astra (Through hard work and courage to the stars).

    Captain Richard Blakeman

    Academic Background

    Captain Richard Blakeman holds a B.S. in Aerospace Science, turbojet systems engineering/meteorology minor; an M.S. in Aeronautical Sciences, and is currently working on a Ph.D. in Human Spaceflight Engineering/Human Factors.

    Professional Interests

    Captain Blakeman is a rated Command Pilot with nearly 19,000 hours of flight experience, Airline Transport Pilot, Flight Engineer, Military Aviator, and Military Parachutist. Operational experience includes: search and rescue, reconnaissance, survey, experimental research and test missions flown for numerous military and government agencies. Professional interests include: Aerospace sciences/engineering; astronaut/pilot crew operations and training; and STEAM education programs.


    PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Candidate

    IIAS Courses Completed

    AST 101: PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Qualification Program, BIO 101: Space Flight Physiology, BIO 103: Microgravity Space Suit Evaluation, BIO 104: Post-Landing Space Suit Evaluation, EDU 101: Citizen-Science Research Methods, EVA 101: Life Support Systems, EVA 102: Operational Space Medicine, EVA 104: Gravity-Offset EVA Space Suit Evaluation, EVA 105: Fundamentals of Underwater EVA Operations, OPS 101: Systems Engineering for Human Space Missions, OPS 102: Spacecraft Egress and Rescue Operations, OPS 103: Operational Space Medicine, OPS 104: Orbital Mechanics and Mission Simulation, EVA 106: Engineering for Underwater Environments

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