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OPS 103: Space Robotics


OPS 103 encompass the development and application of robotic technology to aid in the exploration of space, gather data on other planets or in space, and perform maintenance and repairs on satellites and space stations. This course provides a comprehensive exploration of space robotics, beginning with an introduction to the field and fundamental systems engineering principles. Students will delve into the design and functionality of planetary rovers and orbital robotics, followed by robotics in space mission planning. The curriculum covers software and algorithms, communication systems, and payloads used in space missions. The course finishes in hands-on projects, where students will either simulate mission operations or build their own robotic systems, integrating all learned concepts in a final review.


Course overview:
Space robotics encompass the development and application of robotic technology to aid in the exploration of space, gather data on other planets or in space, and perform maintenance and repairs on satellites and space stations. This course provides a comprehensive exploration of space robotics, beginning with an introduction to the field and fundamental systems engineering principles. Students will delve into the design and functionality of planetary rovers and orbital robotics, followed by robotics in space mission planning. The curriculum covers software and algorithms, communication systems, and payloads used in space missions. The course finishes in hands-on projects, where students will either simulate mission operations or build their own robotic systems, integrating all learned concepts in a final review.

Week 1: Introduction to Space Robotics


● Understand the definition and scope of space robotics.
● Overview of the main applications and types of space robots

o Planetary Rovers
o Orbital Robotics
o Observatories
o Atmospheric Robotics and Spacecraft
o Scientific Payloads


● Introduction to Space Robotics: Definition, importance, and scope.
● Applications: Planetary exploration, space station maintenance, sample return mission, deep space exploration
● Overview of the course Project, due in the last week. Each week will build knowledge towards this.


● Introduce Project topics
● Give basic overview of getting started with Arduino

Week 2: Systems Engineering Fundamentals


● Understand the principles of systems engineering.
● Learn about system life cycles and integration processes.


● Systems Engineering Basics: Definition, principles, and importance.
● System Life Cycle: Phases from concept to decommissioning.
● Integration and Verification: Ensuring subsystems work together as intended.


● Intro to DC motors and motor drivers
● Using arduino to control motor speed and direction

Week 3: Planetary Rovers


● Explore the design, operation, and challenges of planetary rovers.
● Sensing and perception for planetary exploration, including position estimation and planetary mobility. Autonomous surface operations with terrain navigation.
● Understand the key systems and technologies used in rovers.


● Design Considerations: Mobility systems, power systems, communication systems.
● Challenges and Solutions: Extreme environments, communication delays, autonomy.


● Reading sensor data with Arduino

Week 4: Orbital Robotics


● Understand the role and design of robots in orbit.
● Explore different types of orbital robots and their missions.


● Types of Orbital Robots: Satellites, space station robots (e.g., Canadarm2), and
servicing robots.
● Design and Operation: Stability, precision, communication, power management,
thermal considerations, radiation resistance.
● Case Studies: Hubble Space Telescope, James Webb Telescope, ISS robotics.


● Using the serial monitor to display sensor data

Week 5: Robotics in Space Mission Planning


● Understand how robotics are integrated into mission planning and execution.
● Explore mission design and operational strategies.


● Designing robotic missions and objectives.
● Role of robotics in mission planning.


● Basics of logging data to an SD card

Week 6: Software and Algorithms for Space Robotics


● Explore the software and algorithms that drive space robots.
● Understand the importance of software in mission success, including software design considerations.


● Software architecture for space robots.
● Algorithms for autonomous navigation, decision-making, and control.
● Software testing and validation in space contexts.


● Basics of powering arduino
● Choosing appropriate power supplies for motors and sensors

Week 7: Payloads in Space Robotics


● Understand what constitutes a payload in space robotics.
● Learn how to design and build payloads for different space missions.
● Further case studies and examples of payloads used in planetary rovers and orbital robotics.

o Curiosity Rover’s Science Payload
o Perseverance Rover’s Payload
o Galileo – Atmospheric studies on Jupiter
o Artemis mission and lunar sampling payloads


● Definition and Importance of Payloads: What is a payload? How do payloads contribute to mission objectives?
● Payload Design and Integration: Key considerations in payload design, including scientific instruments, communication equipment, and experimental modules.
● Building Payloads: Steps and processes involved in designing and constructing payloads, including considerations for integration with the robot.


● Help & Questions

Week 8: Robotics Communication Systems


● Understand communication systems used in space robotics.
● Explore data transmission and remote control technologies.


● Communication protocols and methods (RF, satellite communication).
● Remote control and telemetry systems.
● Data transmission challenges in space environments.


● Help & Questions

Week 9: Current Trends and Future Directions


● Explore current trends in space robotics.
● Understand the future directions and emerging technologies.


● Current Trends: AI and machine learning in space robotics, and advanced materials.
● Future Directions: Space mining, autonomous exploration, interplanetary missions.
● Emerging Technologies: Advances in sensors, communication, and power systems.
● Review recent research papers and articles on space robotics innovations.


● Help & Questions – ready to present next week

Week 10: Project and Review

Week 10 aims to wrap up the course with students choosing to complete either Design Exercise 1 or Design Exercise 2, and present this back to the class. DE1 is a more Mission Operations focus, and can be done using diagrams, concept of operations etc. DE2 is a hardware focused option for students that wish to gain hands-on experience. Pick between Design Exercise 1, and Design Exercise 2.

Design Exercise 1 – Mission Operations:

● Payload: Develop a concept for a payload to be used in a space mission. Define its objectives, required instruments, and integration methods.
● Space Robotic System: Design a space robotics system for a specific mission scenario (e.g., lunar exploration, satellite servicing). Define its objectives, required instruments, and integration methods.

Design Exercise 2 – Build your own Robotics

● Design a Simple Rover: Use Arduino to create a basic rover with motors and sensors.
● Control Systems: Implement basic control algorithms for the rover using Arduino and explore how sensors can be used for data collection.
● Telemetry and Data Logging: Use Arduino to collect and log data from sensors on the rover, simulating payload data collection in space.

Course outcomes:

By the end of this course, students should have a thorough understanding of space robotics. Further outcomes include:

● Key technology and components used in Space robotic systems
● Understanding of the design of space robotic systems
● Understanding of the role of robotics in space exploration

 Course follow on:

For those wishing to continue with Space Robotics, please enroll in AER103 to be able to apply this knowledge to the build of a High Altitude Balloon payload.

© 2025 International Institute for Astronautical Sciences, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.