AST 101 ‘Fundamentals of Astronautics’ is held two times each year at Florida Tech in Melbourne, Florida. Graduates of AST 101 gain full IIAS membership and access to all IIAS courses and certifications. It provides both fundamental training as well as an evaluation of the candidate’s suitability to advanced study. AST 101 is a fully-immersive program, designed and instructed by former NASA astronaut instructors and IIAS research scientists, that introduces the student to scientific human spaceflight as a systemic problem. Specifically, AST 101 introduces the student to the design and training aspects integral to noctilucent cloud tomography on suborbital commercial space vehicles. AST 101 will provide a general understanding of the mesosphere, noctilucent cloud dynamics, observational methods and history, noctilucent cloud structures, aerospace physiology, and life support systems relevant to suborbital flight. AST 101 also provides key training elements that serves as a prerequisite to many other IIAS courses offered through the IIAS by introducing key training elements.
Join IIAS: Complete AST 101
Enroll in a Professional Certificate Program
If you are interested in a specific specialization, IIAS offers a unique opportunity to receive professional certificates in specialized research areas including aeronomy, bioastronautics with concentrations in IVA and EVA space suit evaluation, flight test engineering, and space flight operations. Each credential consists of 16 credits of instruction which are administered through distance education and combined with several weeks of on-site intensive research activities.
The IIAS Aeronomy Program (Project ‘PoSSUM’) provides a practical education for the professional interested in upper-atmospheric research from research aircraft, high-altitude balloons, and suborbital spacecraft. Learn to study noctilucent clouds from research aircraft, design space instrumentation and continue your initial ‘PoSSUM’ training with mission specific training for suborbital tomography missions. Courses include AER 101 (Atmospheric and Space Environment), AER 102 (Remote Sensing), AER 103 (Airborne Remote Sensing of Noctilucent Clouds), and independent study.
Bioastronautics: EVA Space Suit Evaluation
The IIAS Bioastronautics Program with Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA) Space Suit Evaluation concentration (Project ‘OTTER’) leverages analog micro-gravity, lunar, and Martian environments. Courses offered include: EVA 101 (Life Support Systems), EVA 102 (Operational Space Medicine), EVA 103 (Planetary Field Geology and EVA Tool Development), EVA 104 (Gravity-Offset EVA Space Sit Evaluation), and EVA 105 (Fundamentals of Underwater Analog EVA).
Bioastronautics: IVA Space Suit Evaluation
The IIAS Bioastronautics Program with IVA Space Suit Evaluation concentration provides a broad, practical education geared to the professional interested in a career in commercial astronautics while qualifying one for PoSSUM suborbital spacesuit evaluation missions.. Learn to test spacesuits in microgravity environments, high-G environments, and landing and post-landing environments. Courses in the IIAS Bioastronautics Program include BIO 101 (Space Flight Physiology) and BIO 103 (Microgravity Research of Human Test Subjects).
Space Flight Operations
The IIAS Space Flight Operations Program involves the study of ergonomics, biometrics, and human factors in the design of vehicles for human space flight. Methods of training, Crew Resource Management (CRM) and communication are evaluated. Courses in the Space Flight Operations program include: EDU 101 (System Engineering for Human Space Missions), OPS 102 (Spacecraft Egress and Rescue Operations), OPS 103 (Space Robotics), and OPS 104 (Orbital Mechanics and Mission Simulation).
Flight Test Engineering
The IIAS Professional Certificate in Flight Test Engineering was designed to offer a high-value certification for students interested in the profession of a test pilot or as a flight test engineer. Assembled in collaboration with the National Research Council of Canada’s Flight Research Laboratory, the IIAS Flight Test Engineering program combines expert instruction with a variety of diverse yet economical aircraft. Courses include FTE 101 (Fundamentals of Flight Test Engineering), FTE 102 (Fixed Wing Performance), and FTE 103 (Fixed Wing Stability and Control).
The IIAS Professional Certification in Applied Astronautics
The only program of its type in the world, the Professional Credential in Applied Astronautics is awarded by the International Institute for Astronautical Sciences to students interested in a career in astronautics and related sciences. It is a 30-credit immersive professional education program currently under accreditation process enabling publishable, peer-reviewed scientific research in the fields of aeronomy, bioastronautics, mission design, space flight operations, or flight test engineering. Choose a concentration in bioastronautics (IVA or EVA) or flight test engineering.