The IIAS Professional Certificate in Aeronomy (16 credits) provides a practical education for the students interested in upper-atmospheric research from a practical, field-research oriented perspective including the use of research aircraft, high-altitude balloons, and suborbital spacecraft. Students learn to study noctilucent clouds from research aircraft, design space-qualified instrumentation and analyze field data. Remote field deployment and the successful completion of a research thesis is required for graduation.
If you are interested in a specific specialization, IIAS offers a unique opportunity to receive professional certificates in specialized research areas including aeronomy, bioastronautics, space suit evaluation, science education, space flight operations, and flight test engineering. Each credential consists of 16 credits of instruction which are administered through distance education and combined with several weeks of on-site intensive research activities. A FAA Class III Flight Physical (or equivalent) is required.

The Professional Certificate in Bioastronautics
Concentration in IVA Space Suit Evaluation
The IIAS Professional Certificate in Bioastronautics, IVA (16 credits) offers a concentration in Intra-vehicular Space Suit Evaluation. This credential provides the student a hands-on, immersive education that will serve as a career in human space flight and technologies related to the human adaptation to the space environment. Students learn to test spacesuits in microgravity environments, high-G environments, and landing and post-landing environments.

The Professional Certificate in Bioastronautics
Concentration in EVA Space Suit Evaluation
The IIAS Professional Certificate in Bioastronautics, EVA (16 credits) offers a concentration in Extra-Vehicular Space Suit Evaluation. This credential provides a practical education for the professional interested in extravehicular space suit test and operations. Students learn about life support systems, operational space medicine, Martian and lunar geology, EVA tool development and test, and EVA space suit systems evaluation in gravity-offset environments.

The Professional Certificate in Space Flight Operations
The IIAS Professional Certificate in Space Flight Operations (16 credits) introduced the student to system engineering of human spaceflight architecture, astrodynamics, space robotics, spacecraft design, contingency operations, and spacecraft egress and post-landing operations. Mission simulation and analog training is used together with theoretical instruction of orbital and post-landing operations.

The Professional Certificate in Flight Test Engineering
The IIAS Professional Certificate in Flight Test Engineering (16 credits) is a unique program designed to provide high-value instruction to students interested in fundamentals of the flight testing of fixed-wing aircraft. A variety of aircraft (single, twin, jet, and aerobatic) are used to conduct tests in a wide range of weight and balance configurations.