IIAS Space Flight Operations research involves the study of ergonomics, biometrics, and human factors in the design of vehicles for human space flight. Methods of training, Crew Resource Management (CRM) and communication are evaluated in partnership with Project OTTER, Integrated Spaceflight Services, and Survival Systems USA. A variety of analog methods are used including simulated suborbital and orbital vehicles. The associated IIAS Certificate Program in Space Flight Operations provides a practical, hands-on, and immersive education geared to the professional interested in a career in space flight operations.
Areas of Study
Ergonomics and Human Factors Studies
Human factors is the study of the interactions of the human in a system, in this case the astronaut in a space vehicle system. Studies involve cockpit, seat, and space suit design as well as the maturation of nominal and contingency procedures. IIAS evaluates the psychological and physiological principles in space flight systems and technologies in simulated environments. Space suit, bio-monitoring system, and seat technologies are also evaluated by IIAS students in simulated cockpit environments.
Training Effectiveness
IIAS studies the effective of training for space flight crews, including the initial training methods and the retention of skills. Techniques of Crew Resource Management (CRM) and communication methods are evaluated, as well as methods of biometric monitoring and human performance in simulated nominal and contingency environments.
IIAS students are evaluated in the way they retain key skills as they learn space piloting skills and astrodynamics principles in simulated orbital and suborbital environments, as well as contingency egress and post-landing survivability skills.

The Professional Certificate in Space Flight Operations
The IIAS Professional Credential in Space Flight Operations is a 16-credit certification designed for the student or professional interested in a career in human space flight involving system engineering, human factors, crew resource management, operational space medicine, space flight simulation, and astrodynamics. Prospective applicants must have successfully competed the requirements for AST 101 (Fundamentals of Astronautics). Upon completion of the prescribed courses, the candidate should petition for graduation through the link below.
Requirements for the IIAS Space Flight Operations Certificate
Course | Credits | |
AST 101 | Fundamentals of Astronautics | 3 |
EDU 101 | Citizen-Science Research Methods | 3 |
OPS 101 | System Engineering for Human Space Flight | 3 |
OPS 102 | Spacecraft Egress and Rescue Operations | 3 |
OPS 104 | Orbital Mechanics and Mission Simulation | 3 |
Select one of: | ||
OPS 103 | Fundamentals of Space Robotics | 3 |
AST 102 | Fundamentals of Microgravity Science | 3 |
NOTE: Candidates for the IIAS Space Flight Operations Program first need to be accepted into AST 101. PLEASE APPLY HERE