What is Bioastronautics?

What do we do?
IVA Space Suit Test and Evaluation
The IIAS Space Suit Evaluation Program tests and evaluates Intra-Vehicular Activity (IVA) space suit designs through research on microgravity, high-altitude, high-G, and post-landing environment test beds.
Post-Landing Human Performance Research
IIAS and Survival Systems USA have jointly developed a facility to research human performance in analog environments to the landing and post-landing phase of human space missions, with a special emphasis on contingency operations. The associated educational program is designed exclusively for IIAS members.
Human Factors Research
IIAS is involved in a variety of research, including aerospace physiology and human performance research. These tests are designed to study the diversity of physiological and psychological responses to spaceflight analog conditions.
EVA Space Suit Test and Evaluation
IIAS students take lessons-learned from operational space medicine and planetary field geology research activities and re-create the tools and procedures at our gravity-offset laboratory. Here, EVA space suit prototypes may be evaluated in a controlled environment. IIAS’s gravity-offset system is a two-axis system that may simulate any gravity level between 1-0G including lunar and Martian gravity levels.
EVA Tool Development
IIAS students concentrate on design considerations for EVA systems and tools for conducting planetary field geology. The members are then able to consider the constraints placed by human factors, the EVA environment, and science tasks upon the design and implementation of EVA suits, tools, and procedures for effective and efficient field science operations on planetary surfaces. These tools and procedures are later evaluated in a gravity-offset laboratory. IIAS students also evaluate tool designs in the controlled environment of IIAS’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory.
IIAS Student Involvement:
IIAS students are involved in all aspects of IVA and EVA space suit test and evaluation.

Dr. Aaron Persad, Center Director
Dr. Aaron Persad is a researcher in Space Sciences with 15 years of experience in the field. He leads various Space Science projects such as studies of the behavior of water in low-gravity environments, how to harvest water from the Moon to support long-duration human space missions, the performance of organic-based solar cells in the stratosphere, testing the next generation of space suits, and many others. His experiments and payloads have been performed in drop towers, stratospheric balloons, reduced gravity aircraft, and the International Space Station.